Monday, 23 June 2014

Melanoma & Skin Cancer News Round Up: 23/06/2014

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  • Liver cancer and malignant melanoma rates rise sharply in England

The ONS study found that malignant melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, has increased by 78% among men and 48% among women between 2003 and 2012.

Source: The Guardian

  • Sunscreen Usage In Childhood Decreases Melanoma Risk In Adulthood

Using sunscreen as early as in childhood can reduce the risk of melanoma in adulthood, a new study finds.

Source: HNGN

  • Drug shows promise for the first time against metastatic melanoma of the eye

For the first time, a therapy has been found that can delay progression of metastatic uveal melanoma, a rare and deadly form of melanoma of the eye.

Source: Medical Xpress

  • Indoor Tanning Linked with Skin Cancer Before Age 50

People who use tanning beds and other indoor tanning devices may be at increased risk of developing certain types of skin cancer early in life, a new study suggests.

Source: Yahoo News

  • Plymouth man dying of skin cancer after mole was left for nine months to avoid a scar

WHEN doctors told Jordi Akhurst a mole on his back was nothing to worry about, he had no idea less than five years later he would have more than 50 tumours and be battling terminal cancer.

Source: Plymouth Herald

  • We still aren't taking skin cancer seriously

We've been enjoying rare sunshine in the north this week but it seems many of us are still burying our heads in the sand about the risk of skin cancer.

Source: Irish News

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